December 16, 2008

Here Comes Santa Clause, Here Comes Santa Clause...

Our wonderful city, Roseville, gets into the spirit of the season. Each year, the city, police & fire depts get together & take Santa Clause all over town. Since we are a bigger city, the Santa Clause parade lasts about a week, doing certain areas and routes on different nights. Tonight, we had the privilege of just going up the street & around the corner from our house, on this very cold night, to see Santa Clause and his sleigh, being paraded around town with police car & motorcycle sirens blaring in the calm quiet night, along with the BIG (ok, not the biggest one in town, but the second biggest) fire truck blaring its sirens as well.

Now mind you, they don't advertise this around town, just on the City website, so, those who didn't know about it, sure got a WAKE UP call, when Santa and his crew came around. Literally, if I didn't know better, I would have thought that there had been a MAJOR accident. I would post the video that Nat took, but since our desk top computer took a nose dive and our laptop isn't set up with the correct equipment to do such needed things, such as post pictures and videos... If you are in the area of my hometown, here is the link to see when he's coming to your neighborhood

1 comment:

Debbie T said...

He already came to ours and it gets me everytime! lol I start thinking, 'wow, wonder what just happened the next block over? sounds bad!' It is a fun event though....